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Design Portfolio

Portfolio Sections:
Design - Logo/Identity, Advertising, Display, Presentations, Visual Interfaces
Illustration - Line & Color, Information, Photographic, Cartography
Fine Art - Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Crafts
Resume - Client lists and employers

Traditional & Digital Design

Identity/Branding, Book Covers
Product Display, Advertising & Marketing
Visual Interfaces, Presentation

It is the designer's job to work in concert with the client ...
to create a meaningful, unified images that expresse and reinforce an overall consistent impression.
An award winning design can be a complete failure if it doesn't do its intended job.
The possibilities are limitless.

Examples have been grouped by kind and some works may appear in more than one section.

The images and data on this site are the property of sandra ragan/plum grafik, clients thereof, and others as noted. Please respect their hard work and creativity by following the "Golden Rule,"
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Webmaster: webmaster @ Thanks.

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